Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting a shot of career adrenaline..............

My friend "Brother" Matt Genovese is busy this week putting together a Door64 Tech Fair April 30 at the Austin Goodwill Center, 1015 Norwood Park Boulevard.  The event begins at 11 a.m. and ends at 9 p.m.

I love Matt's promotional spiel from this event's web site in which he wrote: "Imagine speaking with folks from a slew of Central Texas tech companies to learn what they're up to, catching sessions to learn about becoming a consultant or an entrepreneur, attending a panel discussion about the engineer of the future, taking a tour of computer recycling, surveying graduate student research and seeing demos, and networking with other tech folks while eating delicious free food, downing drinks, and rocking the night away with local live music. Did I mention it's all in one day, and all FREE? This is a shot of career adrenaline."

If every a person understood the concept of career adrenaline, it's Matt Genovese.  As the founder of Door64, he has connected 4000 people with job information, networking events and other information.   His web site is one of the reasons why so many techies in both Austin and San Antonio stay connected.

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