As a public relations professional, I work with a lot of executives who need a mug shot. Through the years, thanks to the help of my colleague, Ruben Barron, I have updated my photo. However, when I was a yesterday's Interactive Austin trade show, I met Steven Noreyko who had a booth there.
After watching Steve work with people all day, I finally asked him if he would trade a new mug shot for a blog mention in my personal blog. Looking at my photo, it's easy to see that he didn't have a lot to work with, especially with the extra forehead of my cranium. Steve used some powder to hide the shiny spot, made me laugh and he made me look professional.
So, if you're looking for the world's best web site guy, don't overlook my friend, Ruben, especially his work for Espada Maritime Services. Ruben is one of those guys who can do it all, but if you live and work in Austin and you need a new avatar or corporate mug shot, please call Steve.
Like a good suit of clothes, a personality picture can show a potential client your organization's professionalism. I now consider Steve as the equivalient of one of those $1000 designer suits when it comes to shooting profiles. As a result of his simple efforts, I look as Bill Crystal would say as "MAHVELOUS!"
Of course, this all could change once my wife or my daughters weigh in with their thoughts. However, knowing them, I think they will approve of Steve's great pix.
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