When I read an article in the Christian Science Monitor about twecipes, I had to think what would Karen Haram think. Haram, the Express-News food editor, would probably not publish this online Twitter-based recipe for rhubarb from Martha Stewart in Wednesday's food section: Stewed Rhubard - Cut lb rhubarb 1/2″ +3/4 C sug/simmer 15 min + T corriander &grated orange rind + 2T buttr serve w/creme fraiche
Or what about this recipe from Rick Bayless for Guajillo Salsa: Simple Guajillo Salsa:toast 2 clnd guajillos n med-ht oil 4 20-30 sec.Blend w 4 rstd tomatillos,3 rstd garlic,1/2c H20. Salt.
While I truly embrace Twitter, I don't think you can truly convey how to prepare these dishes in 140 characters or less.
Instead, food professionals should consider using text shortening tools such as Budurl to fully capitalize on Twitter's full outreach. For example, that Guajillo Salsa could be listed on Twitter with: "Feel the passion of Guajillo chiles in this great salsa recipe: http://budurl.com/4b8f.
The problem with some social media types is they don't think through the full capabilities of all the tools available to them. While some of us may embrace shorthand code and algebra to cook, I think that I'm a little old fashioned in having the full details of a good recipe when I or someone from my family prepares a dish.
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