Saturday, May 16, 2009

Virtual network can help you and others advance their careers

Sometime today, I hope to speak on the topic of "Paying It Forward Via a Virtual Network" at today's PodCamp San Antonio. Taking the story of the movie featuring Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment, I am going to share with others how to build their network and then share their connections with others.
It takes a while to build a network of any kind, but once you have something in place, what's the point of having one if you aren't sharing it. My friend and colleague, Brian Massey, the author of the new book "The Market For Me -- Surviving Job Loss and Building a Lifetime Career Network" argues that most people with a job should help those looking as much as possible. By being an active networker and helping others, others will help you find a new position or get information about someone when the need arises.
Long before I met Brian, I was a believer in the process of helping others. Now, with the rise of social media channels, it's much easier to help others. You're welcome to attend my talk today or you can follow it by watching for the "#payitfor" hashtags on Twitter. You can also download a copy of my slides by visiting
Note: I am the communications manager for, the company that commissioned Brian to write his book. Even though it's my job to help publicize the book and the software, I have always been a big believer of helping others.

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