Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mike Forsyth to speak at Austin AITP meeting Thursday

When I speaking to one client, Vale Kelley, last week, she told me that her speaker on telecommuting for the Austin Association of Information Technology Professionals couldn't make the engagement this Thursday. So, I suggested Mike Forsyth, my friend and client. Mike has done a lot of consulting work in the telecommuting space helping companies draft policies and procedures for their work force who is staying at home. For example, one company had a special office where workers could come into work for that one day, but they had to make a reservation through the company Intranet. Another major process is to have an occupational safety professional come into the worker's office and look at the office to make sure that it has a safe environment. If you are in Austin Thursday and want to attend, the cost is $10 for non-members and $5 for members. You can contact for more information.

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