As I was busy working on a project for a client this morning, I got two phone calls from phone spammers. One was the classic visit "Vegas" telephone pitch; the second was someone with a British guy who saw my name at the end of a Business Wire News Release.
I asked him if he was looking to hire me, and he told me that he had gotten my name from a release for one of my clients. He added that he had the "investment of a lifetime."
In the future, I am going to change one of the numerical numbers in my phone number to an ordinal version. I will probably use something like 222-323-652(zero) to see if that throws them off.
I am wondering if other publicists are having the same issue as I am............
TikTok’s Future is Up in the Air: Will Lawyers Still Be Sharing Insight on
the Law on the Platform, Next Weekend
Will lawyers be sharing insight and people listening to that insight on
TikTok, next weekend? That’s up in the air based on the beginning of
Supreme Cour...
1 week ago