Monday, May 17, 2010

Congressional leaders should focus on IT issue without packaging punishment for government works who stray onto porn sites

If you read "Porn provision stalls House IT bill" article in today's Washington Technology, you wonder who is representing our technology interests in Washington, D.C.
Alice Lipowicz, a longtime beat writer for this magazine, details how Democratic leaders pulled the America Completes ReAuthorization Act pulled this important legislation over language concerning punishment of federal employees who view porn on government computers. Republican leaders added this federal porn punishment clause as part of the bill that would funding for science, engineering, technology and math education.
Lipowicz noted in her article that "...that no federal funding could be used to pay the salaries of federal employees disciplined for accessing pornography from government computers. The motion also directs lawmakers to reduce funds for Energy Department research and other programs."
It's time for those of us who are concerned about the growth of technology in our community to take the time to call, write, tweet or use other methods of communication to let our legislative leadership know that it's time to forgo the porn clause of this important legislation.
Don't get me wrong. I am all for punishing those who work in the "gov" who want to use their work station to watch porn. Yet, the question also arises about how the government IT can't make it darn difficult to even access those sites to begin with....
If you feel like I do, here's a listing of our local elected officials in the House of Representatives:
Lamar Smith (R) --
Ciro Rodriguez (D) --
Henry Cuellar (D) --
I would list Charlie Gonzales' official page, but it's not working.  Here's hoping that our Congressman will get someone to help him fix the problem.


Anonymous said...

Social Media is important!

social media for churches

Charles Williams said...
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